Home Lifehacks How to rid your life of negative thoughts

How to rid your life of negative thoughts


There are a lot of people who tend to be more negative then positive. This may have to do with some of the low self esteem issues that they have, but it can also have many underlying issues too. A lot of people who are negative feel that they got the short end of the stick in life, but it’s simply not true. If you are a negative person then you will only attract negativity. You’ll need to consider that your attitude predicts the type of life that you have. You’ll need to keep in mind that there are going to be highs and lows in your life. Everyone has both good times and bad times, but it is the fact that some people don’t allow the negatives to affect them that makes a difference. You’ll need to rid yourself of the negative thoughts and negative energy in order to make something positive of your life. 

The first thing that you’ll need to do in order to get rid of the negative thoughts is to look at yourself. You’ll need to dig down deep for this one. You should come up with a list of things that you see about yourself. If you list a negative quality then you’ll need to list a positive aspect. Soon, you’ll notice that your positive list will continue to grow. It’s very important that you think about things like your abilities and also your personality traits. Not only are you are great at puzzles, but you are a warm and friendly person. This is just one of the many examples that can be used.

Also, if you truly want to make a difference in the way that you see yourself, then you’ll need to change your negative ways. A few ideas include something called a negative jar. If you think or say something that is negative, then you’ll need to place some amount of money into the jar. You will also find that for every positive day that you have you take something out of the positive jar (preferably a jelly bean, piece of candy, or something inexpensive). This will help you to wipe out the negative energy.

You’ll also find that there are a lot of ways that you can replace your negative thoughts and energies with positive ones. You’ll notice that not only will you be able to improve your health with things like meditation and message, but you’ll also be able to release some of your negative energy and replace it with positive energy. You may want to look further into some of the messages that you can take and also learn more about a yoga or meditation class that you can join. 

Keep in mind that you will want to keep yourself as positive as possible. You will need to keep your body processing in a healthy manner too. This is a great time to mention that you’ll need to take good care of your health by getting a good night sleep and also eat well and exercise regularly. You will notice that taking care of yourself is not all just about sleeping well, eating healthy, and enforcing exercise time, but you will also want to get a yearly checkup to keep your body in line. 

Finally, you’ll also want to consider what is best for you. Instead of allowing yourself to get hung up on the things that are best for you, you may want to consider some of your own expectations. You’ll want to make sure that you concentrate on your needs and wants rather than what others think you need or want.



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